The Story of Italian Doctors Fighting The Deadly Coronavirus

The Story of Italian Doctors Fighting The Deadly Coronavirus

As we all know that the whole world is gripped by the Coronavirus also known as Covid19. The virus is no less than a nightmare for all of the world especially the technologically advanced countries like the USA, UK, France and the last but not the least Italy that has bore the heaviest brunt of the whole incident.

 Italy has seen more than 15000 deaths and 128948 cases with no end seeming at all. The doctors in Italy have been seen crying during their interactions with patients suffering from Corona contamination. We have gathered some of the stories from Italy wherein doctors state their experiences.

 One of the docs named as Martina Crivellari, an intensive care cardiac anaesthesiologist posted at the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan says that there are a lot of young people in our Intensive Care Units (ICUs) the youngest being a 38-year-old who had had no health problems She goes on saying that a lot of patients need help with breathing but unluckily there are not enough ventilators for us to administer to those in need.

 We have been ordered to choose who to use ventilators on depending on priority. The doctor feels helpless while narrating all of this ordeal. She further mentions a health facility at Niguarda, the other big hospital in Milan, they are not intubating anyone over 60.

 The doctor describes the virus as too infectious and dreadful that it has wreaked havoc like situation in Italy. The doctor anticipates that if the ventilators aren't being delivered to various hospital centres in the country, the situation could turn worse in the coming days.