The Deadly Chain- First Person To Contract Coronavirus

The Deadly Chain- First Person To Contract Coronavirus

Well the puzzle surrounding the deadly Coronavirus is as enigmatic as the mystery surrounding how it infected the human population. Various speculations have been made as to who was the first-ever person to have contracted this deathly creature. One among them is that a person aging from 50 to 55 years old, a native of Hubei province in China might have been the first person to have got infected with COVID-19 back in November 2019

At that very time, the virus wasn't taken as seriously as it is being taken now. Authorities at first suspected the virus to have cropped up from something sold at a wet market in the city. Whatever be the case, the virus has already made its branches spread all over the World now
Among other speculations some scientists are of the view that this coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2 is originated from the bat and somehow got transferred to another animal, possibly the pangolin, which then passed into the Humans like in a food web.