Ration, essential food items distributed among daily wagers, labourers and ragpicker colonies in Jammu.
the ongoing pandemic Global Peace Foundation carried its programme of ration distribution among the labourers and slum dwellers who have gone jobless and stuck in different parts of the country. Apart from government and relief agencies, many NGO,s are distributing ration and all essentials of day to day life among these people in Jammu and Kashmir too. Today the ration was distributed among 36 families in Channi Rama, Police lines area and other adjoining areas of the Jammu city.
The government has introduced a multitude of measures to provide relief to the poor people but the sudden lockdown has stuck millions of people at different places under work and unpaid for weeks now. In these crises, Non-Governmental Organizations have come to the rescue of the people who are providing rations and essentials to these people.
Global Peace Foundation has been continuously providing ration and other essentials since day one specifically targeting slum dwellers and ragpicker shanties who are worst affected in the pandemic. The areas covered are around Channi Rama, Himmat and other areas around the peripheries around the area. While talking to the volunteers, they said that they have been doing all from the member contribution itself in small amounts to manage the ration. Besides the volunteers of the organization also provided masks and sanitizers to Police, Security personals, Municipal employees and other front line workers in district Doda and Kishtwar.
The executive members of the Global Peace Foundation had appealed all young volunteers across Jammu and Kashmir to come forward and made mass awareness of COVID-19 among the general public.