Present day Government following Jagmohan’s footsteps, denounce witch hunt against journalists- AIP
Srinagar, 22nd April: Expressing disgust over demonic policy of present day Government to witch-hunt and hound every credible Kashmiri voice, Awami Itehad Party termed the iniquitously abhorrent design of persecuting Kashmiris as following footsteps of notorious deep state henchman, Jagmohan Malhotra. Making a mockery of India’s constitution, the authorities every passing day are further exposing themselves in front of the entire world and the imputiny with which all this is happening would have a catastrophic impact internationally .
It seems the deep state has decided to savagely crackdown on entire Kashmiri nation. Using the garb of fight against Covid19, Government in India devised a domicile law for Kashmir, is arresting activists like Gautam Navlakha and Anand Teltumbde, lodged FIR against eminent journalist Siddhart Varadrajan. Continue with the vile incarceration of Kashmiri leadership, carrying out widespread bloodshed in Kashmiri in the form of encounters against militants every other day. And in broad daylight now the State is brazenly laying its hands on hapless Kashmiri Jounalists who are doing nothing but carrying out their journalistic responsibilities .
Only a morallly bankrupt government can carry out such outrageously, monstrous acts while a majority of its population is facing a life threatening pandemic. Not a penny for poorest of poor in India while foreign nations have designated 10-15 percent of their GDP define the present times. It seems rather than assisting most vulnerable in India, current regime of blood thirsty and hate blinded, modern day dictators are more interested in persecuting opposition leaders, rights activists and killing dissent in Kashmir. Awami Itehad Party expresses its deep disgust and outrightly reject boorishly, vicious policies of Modi Lead government.